Boardroom Technology for Hillcrest Structural

Smart Office Conversion

A boardroom technology re-work for Hillcrest Structural.

Soundproofing of the room was achieved by doubling skinning the original walls with high density soundboard then fabric padded acoustic walls were added to match the company’s corporate colours.

A Screen Innovations 90 inch Zero Edge Black Diamond screen was installed which looks amazing. The industry leading ambient light blocking material means that the clarity of image is perfect even with the windows open and daylight streaming in a NEC LazerLight projector was used to be maintenance free, quiet, and offer a brilliant high lumen picture from the Desktop PC.

Hillcrest use Microsoft Hololens to produce Holograms of steel structures on the boardroom table for review. The image seen through the glasses is then transmitted onto the Black Diamond for everybody in the meeting to discuss.

A revolutionary way to “site survey” a design concept before it is actually built. Cre8tive also installed a Tablet so drawings can be annotated for review.